Top 10 eCommerce Marketing Trends To Implement in Your Business

Tuesday 31 December, 2024

The world is now more connected globally than it was before. In such markets, it is very common for people to get confused between trends of eCommerce marketing and fads.

One of the preliminary things about fads which one needs to understand is that it is temporary; much like twitter trends which start and ends very quickly. On the other hand, in the case of genuine trends for eCommerce, the effects are long-lasting.


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It is even possible for one to ignore fads, not risking the entire platform. One of the main tasks for businesses today is to analyze and differentiate between fads and trends carefully.

In the Ecommerce industry, trends can arise from multiple sources. For example, customer’s demands, what they are buying most, what are they talking about and how are they responding to promotional and marketing schemes.

Ecommerce Marketing Trends have emerged in the last few years, especially in the last decade with a very far-reaching influence. Various mega eCommerce platforms like Alibaba, Walmart and Amazon have seriously benefitted from these kinds of trends.


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In this article, we are going to discuss the various kind of ecommerce marketing trends which are going to impact the market in 2019 and which will benefit your business if you implement them.

1) Automation of Marketing


ecommerce marketing trends


According to Laymen “marketing automation means automating email marketing and scheduling social media posts.” However, the automation of marketing has become an unstoppable trend nowadays. Its areas include shopping carts which are easy to access and customized pages of landing.

Proper implementation of automated marketing can lead your business towards a path of sending perfect responses to the customers, project related items and new products with accordance to the history of the viewer, target customers automatically to fulfill sale’s aims and to customize the store offerings to the consumers.


2) Let the voice search take the lead


ecommerce marketing trends


Contents of eCommerce platforms should be optimized to fit in voice searching mode. New Google guidelines clearly state that more textual content must be included in voice searching contents.

While it may be great for pictures and other such things, but the websites are not going to get many advantages from it. Therefore, buttons which are voice-enabled are more likely to catch the public eye. Surely it will increase the eCommerce stores’ numbers.

Various Ecommerce giants have their own Ecommerce software which has voice search enabled options that also helps the customers to order with a voice command.


3) Renewal of B&M Models


ecommerce marketing trends


In the year 2007, the B&M model’s market crashed but surprisingly enough after 12 years it is set to make a splash again in the market in 2019. They are predicted to come back not just ordinarily but with a bang. These stores give digital marketing experience very smoothly.

The industry of real estates is a good example. If a customer goes to a real estate market or shop and sees a virtual reality or projected advertisement which is in 3D, he or she will be immediately attracted to that product.

In 2016, Cadillac used virtual reality software at a car expo for a product demo. Other automobile giants such as Toyota, Audi, and Mercedes were also using similar kinds of virtual reality apps. This makes the product much more appealing and interesting to the buyers.


4) Advertising in a programmatic and contextual manner


ecommerce marketing trends


Programmatic and contextual ads will see a spike this year. The social media websites are already redesigning to feed these trends.

The trend which is labelled as advertising in a programmatic manner uses sets of data in order to decide what the consumers or target audience is demanding.

Then advertisements are shown to the audience who are chosen solely on the basis of how they are consuming things. In simple words, it is completely about attracting the apt audience to the apt ad at the apt moment.

If we compare it to the basic efforts of retargeting, the Ecommerce business owner has a more suitable probability of reaching out to a bigger audience just by the usage of this kind of programmatic advertising.

Even if we look at videos, the AI-powered ads with context which easily mixes with the other contents are the most current Ecommerce marketing trends. To explain, in a set of a bar, an advertisement for a brand of wine will be seen as less interfering and has more chance to sell much more.

For example, if we look at Facebook, it allows the advertisers to choose their audience. You can aim at them with apt ads for them which are more appealing and relevant for them. This naturally results in a good margin of profit in the future.

So, for these reasons, the programmatic and contextual advertising is expected to see a spike in the trending list this year.


5) Usage of Artificial Intelligence


ecommerce marketing trends


Customer differentiation and id of various patterns which are based on the customer’s browsing trends and history and on cookies pose huge challenges for the Ecommerce businesses as far as the automation process and the store personalization is concerned.

The artificial intelligence algorithms are now trusted as the option to handle such problems. According to the Business Insider, the retailers that have taken personalization approaches are seeing a spike of 6% to 10% in their sales gains.

Actually, the bang on the accuracy of the data provided is totally influenced by the size and quality of the given data. This makes hardships for little e-commerce platforms if you do not have a huge number of data.

On the other hand, these small businesses can partner up with a third party which provides it away to work bypassing this restriction.


It signifies that more companies will get into tools which are Artificial Intelligence-powered in order to create more personalized suggestions for each customer.

So, in a way, this year is going to be the year of AI interfaces no matter what and these tools of Artificial intelligence is surely going to enhance the buying experience for the viewers.


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6) Using Personal Assistants Through the Chatbots


ecommerce marketing trends


Chatbots have taken the market by a storm for a while now. But if we consider the spike of neural networks, we will understand that artificial intelligence powered chatbots are set to see a spike again.

The Artificial Intelligence-powered Chatbots can help to increase user engagement in the website by giving all the relevant and available suggestions to them. Their increase can reach even upto$1.25 billion by the year 2025.

The year 2019 will see the chatbots being sold at a much cheaper price and them becoming much smarter and more available. For instance, the Starbucks chain allows each user to place the orders over voice commands with no problem.

They also inform the users about the total cost of their order and they also keep them updated about the remaining time of arrival the order.

These are all possible by the usage of chatbots that are implemented with the website.


7) Enhancing Shipping Varieties with The Integration of Technology


ecommerce marketing trends


The logistics and shipping are one area that has been stagnated in the last few years. The Small improvements in the area, more like free shipping did take place but nothing much extraordinary worth mentioning until the year 2013 has happened when the concept of same-day delivery has become mainstream.

However, on the other hand, things started to look better in this area. Amazon started to research with drones to do deliveries in the US.

With the integration of Google Maps, these drones were able to find out the quickest route towards the delivery location. These ecommerce marketing trends will see a spike as the technological advancements happen.

Whether we believe it or not, after some years down the line the delivery drones are going to become a viable option. And that day Shipping is going to become a lot more efficient and much cooler.


8) Cell phone Commerce


cell phone commerce

The retailer who operates online from all over the world states that mobile transactions are increasing each year. Especially in the holiday seasons.

So, in case you do not have an online site which is responsive to mobile phones, it is highly recommended to make it responsive as soon as possible.

In contemporary times, people are much more exposed and habituated to mobile phones compared to the past than they are attached to their PCs.


9) Amplified Reality for Visualization of Product


Amplified Reality


The product before buying is actually a mystery to the customer. No matter how much he or she knows about that product, it will always be a matter of surprise.

Therefore, it becomes very appealing for the customers of the Ecommerce sites to arrange an amplified reality for the buyers or consumers so that they can visualize their product before actually buying them or ordering them.

This also creates a certain kind of trust and credibility between the consumers. In 2016, Cadillac used a virtual reality software at a car expo for a product demo.

Other automobile giants such as Toyota, Audi, and Mercedes were also using that kind of virtual reality app. This makes the product much more appealing and interesting to the buyers.


10) Snapping While Doing the Shopping


image shopping


Image shopping is going to become one of the newest ecommerce marketing trends this year. Users will want to just move their camera to a product, and they are going to want to buy that.

CamFinder is one of the many apps who do this thing already and many more are expected to pop up this year.

For instance, the app Pinterest has already launched its own camera which interprets and recognizes the images in order to give an exact product description.


Read Also: How Augmented Reality Impacts Ecommerce Business In The Future


Look Forward to eCommerce Future Trends


The world around us is changing rapidly. And in 2019, Ecommerce is expected to hit greater heights of success with new technologies.


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It is time for everyone to convincingly embrace the trends that are aligned with your business. The aim to ensure that it brings value addition to your end users. With better user experience, your sales will skyrocket too.

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